Cytotoxicity of Sericin Nanoparticles Loaded with Paclitaxel as a Pulmonary Drug Delivery System: In vitro and in vivo Studies


  • Mustafa Egla Kadhim Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Al-Turath University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Nawal Ayash Rajab Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq



Lung dose calculation, Paclitaxel, Pulmonary drug delivery, Self-assembled nanoparticles


Background: The remarkably low delivery efficiency and lack of specificity of anticancer medicines constrain systemic chemotherapy due to its inadequate therapeutic effectiveness and significant toxic side effects. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of protein nanoparticles made from sericin and loaded with paclitaxel as a carrier for pulmonary delivery for lung cancer treatment. Methods: Self-assembled nanoparticles made from sericin and poloxamer 407 and loaded with paclitaxel were prepared by the desolvation method and the physicochemical, in vitro and in vivo characteristics of the prepared nanoparticles were investigated. Results: The PTX-loaded sericin nanoparticles were successfully prepared and exhibited low particle size (145.0 nm), high entrapment efficiency of paclitaxel, and spherical shape confirmed by TEM. The nanoparticles demonstrated prolonged cytotoxicity on A549 cells in comparison to the conventional paclitaxel solution. Once transformed into aerosol form, the nanoparticles significantly extended the duration of paclitaxel in the lungs and slowed down its elimination compared to the standard medication (Taxol®). The animal group treated with these nanoparticles did not exhibit any notable histopathological findings when compared to the control animal group. Conclusions: Aerosolized nanoparticles can improve the delivery of paclitaxel to the lungs, leading to improved effectiveness and a lower frequency of medication administration. They also show promise as a therapeutic method for treating lung cancer.


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How to Cite

Kadhim, M. E., & Rajab, N. A. (2024). Cytotoxicity of Sericin Nanoparticles Loaded with Paclitaxel as a Pulmonary Drug Delivery System: In vitro and in vivo Studies. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences ( ISSN 2789-3219 ), 7(1), 144–152.



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